The Usefulness of the Date Kernel for Health

The Usefulness of the Date Kernel for Health

The seed of the date fruit, or date kernel, has wonderful pharmaceutical properties. It precludes any hurt to the kidneys or liver against poisoning. The date kernel is full of rich proanthocyandins, which protects the liver and kidneys from any hurt.


For Treating Diabetes

It is effective for treating diabetes since it is full of antioxidants. The date kernels are full of antioxidants. This capability extensively helps with the protection of the body against stressful injuries. The researches have shown that the Iranian date kernel is very strong in preventing free radicals and can be taken into consideration by people as a proper source of natural antioxidant for pharmaceutical and commercial usages.

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The Date Kernel Precludes any Hurt to the DNA

Interestingly, the date kernel considerably helps the body fight with viral infections. Studies show that the date kernel has a protective effect against the chemical hurts resultant from the liver and DNA. The date kernel protects the body from liver poisoning, and this protective effect can assist with disinfecting activities and free radicals as well.

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Antiviral Properties

The date seed operates as an antiviral factor against the different kinds of human viruses and can treat and prevent the different kinds of viral infections. Studies show that the essential oil of the date kernel is strongly able to control the Pseudomonas phage infection.

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How to Use Dates

Many people consume the date kernel as an additive in their coffees. You can add the date kernel syrup along with lemon juice to hot water and use it as a kind of tea. For healthier usage, you can mix the date kernel syrup with honey or jam and use it in the mornings. You can also add the date kernel powder to your cookies or fruit juices.

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